What Is Net Worth? and How to Calculate It?

What Is Net Worth
What Is Net Worth

What Is Net Worth

Net worth refers to the value of all assets an individual or entity owns, minus any liabilities they owe. It is a measure of financial health and can be positive or negative. In personal finance, assets can include savings, investments, homes, and autos, but primary residences should not be included.

High net worth individuals (HNWI) may qualify for certain financial products. In business, net worth is also called shareholders’ equity or book value, and lenders analyze it to evaluate a company’s ability to repay loans. A rise in net worth reflects good financial health, while a decrease may indicate financial troubles.

Definition of Net Worth

Net worth is the value of all assets owned by an individual or corporation, minus any liabilities they owe. This is calculated by subtracting all debts and financial obligations from the total value of assets. Net worth is a key measure of an entity’s financial health and is used by creditors to evaluate the ability of a corporation to repay loans.

High net-worth individuals (HNWIs) are those with significant net worth and are often the target market for wealth managers and investment counselors. An increase in net worth usually reflects good financial health, while a decrease in net worth may indicate financial troubles.

Importance of Calculating Net Worth

Calculating net worth is an important financial exercise that helps individuals, businesses, and investors to assess their financial health. It is calculated by subtracting liabilities from assets, and the resulting figure provides a snapshot of one’s financial standing.

This measure is critical to lenders and investors who use it to evaluate a company’s creditworthiness and financial stability. High net-worth individuals may qualify for specific financial products, like premium banking services and investment opportunities.

Tracking net worth over time can also help identify areas where an individual or business needs to adjust their finances to achieve financial goals. Overall, calculating net worth is an essential tool for anyone seeking to improve their financial health and stability.

How to Calculate Net Worth

To calculate your net worth, you need to take inventory of all your assets and liabilities. Assets include cash, investments, fixed assets that could be sold, and retirement accounts. Liabilities are anything owed to another person or entity, including consumer debts and loan balances.

Start by listing all of your assets and their values, then list all of your liabilities and their outstanding balances. Subtract your liabilities from your assets to determine your net worth. Income is not included in the calculation.

It’s important to note that some assets, such as a house or car, can be both an asset and a liability. The part you own is considered an asset, while the part you owe is still a liability.

Calculating your net worth is important for assessing your financial standing and identifying areas for improvement. It is also a measure of financial health and can be positive or negative. High-net-worth individuals may qualify for specific financial products, and lenders and investors use net worth to evaluate creditworthiness and financial stability.

To improve your net worth, you can follow a proven plan involving 7 Baby Steps to reduce debt, increase savings, and build wealth. Retirement is a financial number and can be calculated using the Retire Inspired Quotient (R: IQ) tool. It is suggested to consult an investment professional regardless of the amount you are investing.

The Formula for Net Worth 

The formula for calculating net worth is:

Net Worth = Total Assets – Total Liabilities

Assets include cash, investments, retirement accounts, and certain fixed assets, while liabilities include all debts owed to others. It’s important to note that some assets, like a house or car, can be both an asset and a liability. To calculate your net worth, list all assets and their values, list all liabilities and their outstanding balances, and subtract liabilities from assets.

This calculation is important for assessing your financial standing and identifying areas for improvement. High-net-worth individuals may qualify for specific financial products, and lenders and investors use net worth to evaluate creditworthiness and financial stability.

Net Worth In Business

Net worth is also an essential metric in the business world. It is calculated by subtracting a company’s total liabilities from its total assets. A high net worth can indicate financial stability and can be a sign of success, whereas a negative net worth can indicate financial distress. Net worth can also be used to evaluate a company’s creditworthiness and ability to pay off debts.

Investors and lenders may use a company’s net worth to make investment or loan decisions. Business owners can use net worth as a benchmark for measuring their company’s financial progress and identifying areas for improvement. However, it is important to note that net worth alone does not provide a complete picture of a company’s financial health, and other factors such as cash flow and profitability should also be considered.

Net Worth In Personal Finance

Net worth is a crucial metric in personal finance as it provides a clear picture of an individual’s financial standing. It is calculated by subtracting total liabilities from total assets. Knowing one’s net worth is important because it helps identify areas for improvement and provides a benchmark for measuring progress toward financial goals.

Year-over-year growth of net worth is desirable and can be achieved by minimizing debt and increasing assets. A high net worth may also be beneficial when applying for credit or refinancing a mortgage. However, it should be noted that net worth alone does not provide a complete picture of one’s financial health, and other factors such as cash flow and profitability should also be considered.

Example of Net Worth

Net worth is the value of an individual’s or entity’s assets minus liabilities. For example, if an individual has assets worth $500,000 and liabilities worth $200,000, their net worth would be $300,000. This metric is important for assessing financial standing, evaluating creditworthiness, and identifying areas for improvement.

It is also a crucial metric in personal finance and the business world. A high net worth can indicate financial stability and success, while a negative net worth can indicate financial distress. However, it is important to note that net worth alone does not provide a complete picture of financial health, and other factors such as cash flow and profitability should also be considered.

Average Net Worth Examples

 The average net worth of a millennial under age 35 is $76,000, while those over age 35 have an average net worth of over $400,000. However, their net worth is lower than other generations, except for Gen Z. The average net worth for a US family is $748,800.

It should be noted that the median net worth, which is a more representative measure, is $121,700. It is essential to remember that net worth alone does not provide a complete picture of financial health, and other factors such as cash flow and profitability should also be considered.

Negative Net Worth

Net worth is the value of what you own minus what you owe. If your liabilities exceed your assets, you have what is called a negative net worth. This means that you owe more than you own, which can indicate financial distress. Negative net worth can result from taking on too much debt, not saving enough, or experiencing a significant financial setback.

In personal finance, negative net worth can limit your ability to obtain credit, make major purchases, or invest in your future. In business, negative net worth can signal financial instability and raise concerns among investors and lenders. It is important to take steps to improve your net worth and avoid negative net worth to achieve financial stability and success.

Factors that Contribute to Net Worth

Net worth is determined by subtracting liabilities from assets. Some factors that contribute to net worth include primary residence, vacation homes, rental properties, investments, art, collectibles, jewelry, automobiles, cash, and retirement accounts. It is important to calculate net worth periodically to track financial trends and make proactive financial decisions.

Cutting debt and paying off loans will also increase net worth. However, net worth alone does not provide a complete picture of financial health, and other factors such as cash flow and profitability should also be considered. The Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances shows how net worth differs based on income, age, ethnicity, and education.

Common Misconceptions About Net Worth

Some common misconceptions about net worth are:

  1. Salary determines savings: While a higher salary can help increase savings, it is not the only factor that affects net worth. Other factors such as spending habits, debt management, and investment strategies also play a crucial role in building wealth.
  1. Wealth can be achieved overnight: Building wealth takes time and requires a disciplined approach to financial planning. Overnight success stories are rare and often involve significant risk-taking.
  1. Having money is the same as having time: Time is a valuable asset that cannot be bought with money. While having wealth can provide more financial freedom, it does not necessarily mean more free time.
  1. Outperforming the market is necessary to maintain personal wealth: While investing in the stock market can help increase wealth, it is not the only way to build wealth. Diversifying investments and focusing on long-term goals can help maintain personal wealth.
  1. Net worth is the sole indicator of financial health: While net worth is an important metric for assessing financial standing, it does not provide a complete picture of financial health. Other factors such as cash flow, debt-to-income ratio, and profitability should also be considered.

Examples of High-Net-Worth Individuals

High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) are those who have liquid assets of at least $1 million, including cash and easily convertible investments. The global HNWI population reached 22.5 million in 2021, with the US having a record number of HNWIs at 7.46 million people.

HNWIs are categorized into high-net-worth individuals valued between $1 million and $5 million, very-high-net-worth individuals valued between $5 million and $30 million, and ultra-high-net-worth individuals owning more than $30 million in liquid assets.

Some examples of HNWIs include business owners, successful entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes, and high-level executives. These individuals often seek assistance from financial professionals to manage their wealth and may qualify for personalized services and special treatment, including reduced fees, special rates, and access to exclusive events and perks.

How to Increase Your Net Worth

Net worth is the difference between an individual’s assets and liabilities. To increase net worth, one can either increase the value of their assets or decrease the value of their liabilities.

To increase assets, individuals can focus on increasing their income by getting a high-paying job or creating multiple streams of income. Investing in stocks, real estate, and other profitable ventures can also help increase asset value. Additionally, individuals can focus on saving money and reducing unnecessary expenses.

To decrease liabilities, individuals can focus on paying off debts, such as credit card debt, student loans, and mortgages. Building a good credit score can also help reduce interest rates on loans and credit cards.

It’s important to note that while net worth is an important measure of financial health, it’s not the sole indicator of financial well-being. Moreover, a high-net-worth individual refers to those with investable assets of $1 million or more, and the global HNWI population is estimated to be around 22 million. Professions such as executives, entrepreneurs, and investors often have HNWIs

Strategies for Managing and Growing Your Net Worth

Managing and growing your net worth is an important aspect of personal finance. There are several strategies that can help you increase your net worth over time. Here are a few:

  1. Create a budget: One of the most important steps in managing your net worth is creating a budget. This will help you keep track of your income and expenses and identify areas where you can cut back on spending. By reducing your expenses and increasing your income, you can increase your net worth.
  1. Pay off debt: High levels of debt can have a negative impact on your net worth. Paying off debt as quickly as possible can help you reduce your liabilities and increase your net worth.
  1. Invest in retirement accounts: Retirement accounts such as 401(k)s and IRAs can help you grow your net worth over time. These accounts offer tax benefits and compound interest, which can help your investments grow faster.
  1. Diversify your investments: Investing in a variety of assets can help you reduce risk and increase your returns. Consider investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets to diversify your portfolio.
  1. Start a side hustle: Starting a side business or earning extra income through a side hustle can help you increase your income and grow your net worth. Consider freelancing, tutoring, or selling goods online to earn extra income.
  1. Live below your means: Living below your means can help you reduce your expenses and increase your savings. By avoiding unnecessary expenses and being mindful of your spending, you can increase your net worth over time.
  1. Seek professional advice: Consulting with a financial advisor can help you develop a personalized strategy for managing and growing your net worth. They can help you identify areas where you can improve and provide guidance on investments and other financial decisions.

By following these strategies and being mindful of your finances, you can manage and grow your net worth over time. Remember, building wealth takes time and requires discipline and patience.

What Are Assets And Liabilities?


Assets are anything that an individual or a business owns that has monetary value and can be converted into cash. These can include investments, bank accounts, real estate, personal property, and other valuable items. For businesses, assets can also include equipment, inventory, and accounts receivable. It’s important to note that not all assets have the same value, and accurate valuation is essential to avoid overestimation.


On the other hand, Liabilities are debts and financial obligations that an individual or business owes to others. These can include loans, mortgages, credit card debts, medical bills, and taxes due. For businesses, liabilities can also include accounts payable and salaries payable. It’s essential to keep track of liabilities as they can affect one’s credit score, financial health, and overall net worth.

Different Types of Assets and Liabilities

The different types of assets and liabilities are:


Tangible Assets: These are physical assets that have a measurable value, such as equipment, real estate, and inventory.

Intangible Assets: These assets have value but are not physical, such as trademarks, patents, and copyrights.

Fixed Assets: These are long-term assets that are not meant to be sold, such as buildings, machinery, and land.

Current Assets: These are short-term assets that can easily be converted into cash, such as cash in hand, inventory, and accounts receivable.

Floating Assets: These are assets that can change in value, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.


Current Liabilities: These are short-term financial obligations that need to be paid within a year, such as accounts payable, taxes, and short-term loans.

Long-term Liabilities: These are long-term financial obligations that need to be paid over a period of time, such as mortgages, long-term loans, and bonds.

Accurately tracking and valuing assets and liabilities is essential for managing finances and increasing net worth over time. Managing and growing net worth can be achieved by diversifying investments, starting a side hustle, living below your means, and seeking professional advice.

Examples of Celebrities With High Net Worth

Some examples of celebrities with high net worth are:

  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson – He has a net worth of $320 million.
  • Kylie Jenner – She has a net worth of $900 million, making her one of the youngest self-made billionaires.
  • Jay-Z – He has a net worth of $1 billion, mostly due to his various business ventures.
  • Oprah Winfrey – Reports that she has a net worth of $2.6 billion, largely due to her media empire.
  • George Clooney – He is a notable actor who may benefit from using S corporations for asset protection due to his high net worth.
  • Gianluca Vacchi – He is a social media celebrity, entrepreneur, and DJ with a net worth of $200 million.

Tools and Resources for Tracking Net Worth

Net worth is calculated by subtracting liabilities from assets, making it an essential measure of financial health. Wealth tracker apps and websites offer a range of features to help monitor and manage finances, including PocketSmith, Empower, Betterment, YNAB, Mint, Kubera, and Personal Capital. These tools allow users to monitor income, expenses, and investments from a single dashboard, making it easier to achieve financial goals. For accurate tracking of net worth, Empower is a top pick with free tools, an investment checkup tool, and a fee analyzer. In addition, Empower’s Wealth Management plan provides human management with advisory services, diversified portfolio recommendations, and access to financial advisors for those with a minimum initial investment of $100,000.


What Is Net Worth?

Net worth is the total value of all assets minus the total value of all liabilities. It’s a crucial metric that helps individuals and businesses track their financial health and progress toward their goals. By accurately tracking and valuing assets and liabilities, one can make informed decisions about their finances, identify areas for improvement, and take steps to increase their net worth over time. There are various tools and resources available, such as wealth tracker apps and websites, that can help with the tracking and management of finances. Empower is one such tool that stands out for its accuracy and ease of use. By prioritizing the management of assets and liabilities, anyone can work towards achieving a higher net worth and financial stability.


What is net worth?

Net worth is the total value of all assets minus the total value of all liabilities.

Does net worth matter?

Yes, net worth matters as it helps you track your financial health and progress toward financial goals.

How do you calculate your net worth?

To calculate net worth, add up the value of all your assets and subtract the total amount of your liabilities.

What are assets and liabilities?

Assets are things you own that have value, such as cash, investments, and property. Liabilities are debts or obligations that you owe, such as credit card debt, loans, and mortgages.

What is a good net worth?

A good net worth is subjective and depends on factors such as age, income, and financial goals.

How can I increase my net worth?

You can increase your net worth by reducing your liabilities, increasing your income, and investing in assets that appreciate in value.

What is the difference between net worth and gross income?

Net worth is the total value of all your assets minus the total value of all your liabilities, while gross income is the total amount of income you earn before taxes and deductions.

What is the importance of tracking net worth?

Tracking net worth helps you monitor your financial progress and make informed decisions about spending, saving, and investing.

What tools and resources are available to help manage net worth?

Wealth tracker apps and websites, financial planning services, and financial advisors can help you manage your net worth.

What questions should I ask a wealth manager regarding net worth management?

Questions to ask a wealth manager include their minimum asset requirement, their experience as a wealth manager, and their approach to investment and retirement planning.

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